My Blog 

Hi. I’m a Mother. Even If I Don’t Look Like One To You.

Hi. I’m a Mother. Even If I Don’t Look Like One To You.

“I never thought you were a mother.” The woman who spoke these words to me had only seen me in passing at a yoga class we both attend on a random basis. That is the whole sum of our interactions. And yet she had formed a little story of who I am. She's not alone, we...

Mothering in This Political Clusterf***

Mothering in This Political Clusterf***

I’ve been trying to find my words about being a mother in this climate of political aggression and hatred. I watch decision after horrifying decision be made in our government since the election. I realize, embarrassingly, I must have no idea how government works,...

Why I’m Crying On My Daughter’s 6th Birthday

Why I’m Crying On My Daughter’s 6th Birthday

Before I became a mother, I used to have no way to understand mother’s who were sad, let alone cried, on their kids’ birthdays. It took becoming a mother for me to understand the birthday crying, along with the rest of the feelings that mother’s have about their kids...